The travel industry has an enormous capacity to influence where and how people travel. Here are ten easy and effective sustainable travel tips.
- Make conscious product decisions. Actively promote properties and tours which demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability and / or the creation of quality, long term jobs for local people.
- Product diversification. Supporting the less obvious, off the beaten track areas. This not only supports communities and wildlife areas but also gives an edge on industry competitors
- Unshackle from the global hotel chains. Support locally-owned accommodation in guest house, bed and breakfast establishments and small independent hotels, rather than multinational hotel chains.
- Authentic experiences: Support grass-roots community tourism projects and local entrepreneurs wherever possible. They do not have to be ‘worthy’, many are engaging, authentic experiences. Your clients will thank you for it.
- Make Giving Easy: Identify and support charities in travel destinations and make it easy for clients to support them.
- Make Giving Easier: Invite clients to send any leftover foreign currency notes back to you to donate to a charity.
- Include helpful pre-departure information. Examples are Pack for a Purpose and the Travel Foundation’s excellent Insider Guide entitled ‘Make A Difference When You Travel’.
- Include a basic language guide of greetings. The ability to express your appreciation in the local language goes a long way
- Make a difference when you travel. Encourage staff on educational trips to make contact with their destination hosts to offer to ‘give back’ – whether it is handing out clothes and school supplies or donating money to the local township schools.
- The Rainforest Alliance provide an extensive Code of Conduct for Tour Operators working in environmentally-sensitive areas. Tourism Concern provides excellent resources and information on Responsible Tourism.